Reference: Perzov N, et al. (2002) Characterization of yeast V-ATPase mutants lacking Vph1p or Stv1p and the effect on endocytosis. J Exp Biol 205(Pt 9):1209-19

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Subunit a of V-ATPase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in contrast to its other subunits, is encoded by two genes VPH1 and STV1. While disruption of any other gene encoding the V-ATPase subunits results in growth arrest at pH 7.5, null mutants of Vph1p or Stv1p can grow at this pH. We used a polyclonal antibody to yeast Stv1p and a commercially available monoclonal antibody to Vph1p for analysis of yeast membranes by sucrose gradient fractionation, and two different vital dyes to characterize the phenotype of vph1 triangle up and stv1 triangle up mutants as compared to the double mutant and the wild-type cells. Immunological assays of sucrose gradient fractions revealed that the amount of Stv1p was elevated in the vph1 triangle up strain, and that vacuoles purified by this method with no detectable endosomal contamination contain an assembled V-ATPase complex, but with much lower activity than the wild type. These results suggest that Stv1p compensates for the loss of Vph1p in the vph1 triangle up strain. LysoSensor Green DND-189 was used as a pH sensor to demonstrate unexpected changes in vacuolar acidification in stv1 triangle up as the Vph1p-containing V-ATPase complex is commonly considered to acidify the vacuoles. In the vph1 triangle up strain, the dye revealed slight but definite acidification of the vacuole as well. The lipophilic dye FM4-64 was used as an endocytic marker. We show that the null V-ATPase mutants, as well as the vph1 triangle up one, markedly slow down endocytosis of the dye.

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Journal Article | Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't
Perzov N, Padler-Karavani V, Nelson H, Nelson N
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